Here comes the sun… And ways to safely enjoy it.
Here comes the sun… And ways to safely enjoy it.
The summer of 2020 will certainly be one for the record books. But that just means filling summer with different memories and fun –
all being mindful of safety and health.
In addition to the precautions being taken for COVID-19, don’t overlook sun and heat protection to safely enjoy summer activities.
- Know your sunscreen – they are not all created equal.
- Choose broad-spectrum protection – SPF 30 or higher.
- Be mindful of medications. Some antibiotics and medicines make the skin more sensitive to the sun.
- Wear sunglasses to help reduce potential eye damage.
- Be careful in water and sand as they can refl ect and amplify the sun’s damaging rays.
- Track not only outdoor temperatures, but the heat index and take precautions when it reaches 91 degrees.
- Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water and sports drinks with electrolytes.
- Enjoy the sun, but stay in the shade if you’re feeling faint, weak, or nauseous as it could be heat exhaustion.